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4 Simple Stretches For Lower Back Stiffness

Ease lower back pain

A couple of days ago, I dropped my keys, and there it was ― sharp, piercing pain.

I heard alarms in my head go off, “Oh, not again… OUCHHHH!!!” as I struggled to stand straight. My lower back was at it again.

My years of bad habits caught up with me ― my super poor posture, inconsistent exercise routines inflexibility and a weak core. My first episode was right before I hit the big 3-0 too!

Lower back issues. The kind that got so bad, I once had to get a shot to my spine to stand up straight!

I knew right away I was am never getting a shot ever again! Being the way I am, pill-popping is my last option.

That means, I have to correct all my wrongs to avoid suffering this excruciating pain, which threatened mobility (if you know me, immobility = my greatest fear!).

Check out these alarming back pain stats.

Unfortunately, chronic lower back pain affects more people than most and Americans alone spend at least $50 billion each year on back pain. Can you imagine the cost on a global scale to treat this painful problem?

From time to time, especially when I hold awkward stances for too long ― slouching, hunching, standing still, bending from the waist (like my keys incident), I still have episodes.

However, I find these 4 simple stretches help relieve and also strengthen my back.

Knee to Chest

This position aims to lengthen your lower back muscles.

  • Lay flat on your back

  • Knees bent, feet flat on the floor

  • Press your lower back to the floor. Make sure there are no gaps between your back and the floor

  • Slowly pull both knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your thighs lightly

  • Tighten your abs, press your back to the floor and hold for 30 seconds

  • Return to starting position. Repeat 3 times

  • Repeat the same movement with one legs at a time. Hold 30 seconds and repeat twice on each side

Needle Eye Pose

One of my favorite yoga stretches (Suchirandhrasana) as it really eases lower back stiffness by opening your hips and loosening your piriformis muscle (the small muscle deep in your glute that connects your lower limbs).

  • Lay flat your back

  • Knees bent, feet flat on the floor

  • Place your right ankle on your left thigh and flex your right foot

  • Loop your arm through the keyhole of your right leg and clasp your hands

  • Slowly draw your knee to your chest, by raising the lower leg off the floor

  • Push right elbow against your right thigh to resist

  • Keep your back pressed against the floor at all times and neck neutral

  • Hold for 30 seconds and repeat with the other leg

Pigeon Stretch

I learned this pose from Shaun T’s Focus T25 Stretch. Like the Needle Eye pose, the Pigeon stretch (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) helps open tight hips usually a result from sitting all day at the office.

Tight hips = stiff lower back, which is why we should work on them. I know I certainly feel relief when I work on these poses.

  • Get into a tabletop position, which means being on your hands and knees

  • Bring in your right knee to your right wrist

  • Slowly slide your foot toward the left wrist

  • As you sink your knee down and slide your left leg into the ground

  • Lengthen the front of your body

  • For a high pigeon stretch, you can either stretch your arms above your head or place your palms flat on the ground and square your shoulders

  • I prefer to sink deeper in a low pigeon stretch, by keeping my elbows and palms on the ground as I lean into the stretch

  • Hold this pose for about 30 seconds each side, 3 reps

Child Pose

Child Pose also known as Balasana is named such as you get into the fetal position.

This pose elongates the lower back as well as opens up the hips. It looks super easy, and if done right you feel a nice stretch.

Child pose is truly one of the easiest stretches out there. But trust me, it’s just as effective.

  • As with the pigeon stretch, start in a tabletop position

  • Spread your knees and lower your butt into your heels

  • Stretch your arms straight out ahead (you can opt to keep at the side of your body with your palms up, but I get a better stretch when my arms are overhead)

  • As you hold, try to sink your butt into your heels as much as you can

  • You can even get someone to push you closer to the ground lightly. Be sure they don’t overdo it though, as you don’t want to overstretch. Remember stretches should feel good and loosen up your muscles

  • Hold for 30 seconds. Rise into a seating position for 10 seconds and repeat at least 3 times


"When we’re loosening up one part of the body, we’re not tightening up the other. Keep it loose and breathe.”~ Jillian Michaels


Ideally, you should spend at least 15 minutes daily on these stretches for it to be truly beneficial. I tend to add these stretches during my cool down and commit to Shaun T’s Focus T25 Stretch at least once a week as offers all these stretches and more!

You can see from the images, I'm still struggling to hold some of these positions, as I nurse my back! But slowly and surely!

Your turn: Give it a try, and let me know if it helps you as much as it has helped me. Or feel free to share your get-better remedies for back woes. Hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween when you share on your social networks!


This article is not a substitute for medical or professional physical training advice. Always check with your doctor or physician before starting a new fitness routine.


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