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If you’re anything like me, a person who seeks to live healthier to be able to start your day energized and end it refreshed, then keep reading.

Before I go further, I have to say this — I’m not a doctor nor a health expert.

What I am is— a girl who strives to live each day to my best. A girl who wants to feel energized by bedtime just as much as she did waking up. A girl who wants to turn 50 and still feel energized to do the things I am passionate about.

I'd like to be the best version of myself for the people who matter to me. I am a girl who wants you to remind that being healthy is a physical, mental and emotional journey that extends beyond looking good. It’s about feeling great.

​This is my journey. What I’ve learned along the way. With the help with books, magazine, and even other blogs, I’ve set out on a journey to develop better habits. To consistently make better choices and use food and my environment as my healer, rather than pill-popping solutions. I strive to build a lifestyle versus catching up with the next trend or fad.

​I’ve learned some things are nice in theory, not so in practice. Some things fit well into my lifestyle, others not so much so. Some things worked, some didn't. And even there are some things I wish I’d known sooner!

​I'd like to use this blog as a channel to share and inspire. Trialed and tested habits I've picked up to reach my feel-good point. Natural remedies, which include functional food that heal common ailments, healthy recipes to workout and fitness routines — I'm sharing it all.


I’m excited to share this journey with you. I also would like to use this blog to hear from you. Your healthy living journey. 

​Let’s exchange ideas and build a community together, where we can learn from each other to get better at what we were meant to do — live.  

Thanks for getting to know me. I'm excited to get to know you and most of all learning from you.Hopefully, you’ll find this blog helpful.


Don’t forget to share and hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween  

Something about colors inspires.
Summer salad
After a run
Just me, kicks & post Sat fun run. weight training time!
Quinoa salad
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