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My Rich Secret — Golden Milk

Golden milk benefits and Recipe

My grandmother, Mama insists turmeric and ginger help digestion!

As a child; I used to suffer severe stomach cramps on the toilet.

Mama would pound ginger and dilute it in warm water. She’d insist I drink the mix to ease my pains.

I hated it! And thought she was out of her mind.

As I learn more about natural remedies and food groups, which can heal common illness, I realize Mama was on to something. Her herbal wisdom is in fact very much Ayurveda practices.

For instance, most of us, especially millennials are even more interested in staying healthy and eating healthy with increasing interest in"functional foods".

In fact, turmeric happens to be one of the leading "functional food" choices.

Consumers are beginning to learn about the spice's ability to cure and prevent health woes— cancer to depression and even managing cholesterol levels.

The same can be said for ginger, which has become a resident home remedy for most. The root like it's yellow sister, offers gastroprotection against bloating and indigestion.

Turns out, Mama was right after all!

Tons of research suggests that we should consider consuming these spices on a daily basis to truly reap its benefits.

The Golden Solution!

Golden Milk also known as Turmeric Latte is a great way to consume the favorite "functional foods" daily.

This“golden” fad has become one of the biggest trends and for a good reason too. Even Starbucks London hopped on the bandwagon (a much better choice than the Unicorn Frappe!).

So what is Golden Milk? As you guessed by now, the golden color comes from turmeric.

Golden Milk is also infused ginger in milk (to help tame the bitter turmeric and spicy ginger aftertaste) is mixed with:

  • black pepper —to increase your absorption of curcumin

  • cinnamon — dramatically reduces insulin resistance

  • honey — primarily to sweeten the drink, but it’s also anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal

Like Mama, I too can go on and on about the many benefits each spice offers.

But for this post, I’d like to focus on just 3 benefits of Golden Milk and share my easy DIY Golden Milk recipe.

Guardian of Your Digestive System

Repeating after Mama — turmeric and ginger help digestion!

The case of turmeric fighting gas and bloating is so convincing that Germany officially endorses the spice as a safe herbal treatment for digestion.

As with my stomach cramps troubles, Mama's ginger blend stimulated the breakdown of food particles to move it down my digestive tract. Hence, soothing my tummy.

Immune System Booster

This is THE reason I started drinking Golden Milk. After complaining to a friend about constant colds, and sinus infections, she told me to look up Turmeric Milk.

I learned that the ingredients in the drink not only fight infections, but the spices heat up your body to ease congestion. Simply put— it increases mucus production to flush out microbes.

Through the blend of spices, and primarily turmeric the beverage is rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties, which helps build your immunity.

A couple of weeks ago, I felt the a cold creeping up— body aches, and chills. Yup, it was about to happen.

Rather than pill-popping, I turned to Golden Milk.

I doubled my intake for the few days — one cup in the morning on an empty stomach and the other before bed.

I’m happy to report the anti-inflammatory properties of Turmeric Milk helped relieve my symptoms and sleep. Within 2 days I was feeling like myself and back to the gym.

Muscle Ache Buster

Both turmeric, and ginger are found to reduce the effects of delayed onset muscles soreness (DOMS).

Turmeric Milk contains turmeric, ginger and honey consist anti-inflammatory compounds. Thus, help relieve soreness.

In some studies, turmeric alone is said to provide the same relief as ibuprofen!

Being a fitness enthusiast, I’m constantly changing my routine. As you can guess, DOMS is a regular experience for me.

Admittedly, I sometimes push myself harder than I should, so my DOMS can last for days.

Since I’ve discovered my magic potion, DOMS is almost unheard of!

Prep time 5 minutes

Cook Time 10 minutes

Total Time 15 minutes

  • ¼ tsp of turmeric or if you find that too much for you, go for a pinch instead

  • 2 tbsp of warm water

  • 1 tsp of honey

  • 2 thin slices of ginger

  • Pinch of cinnamon

  • Sprinkle of black pepper

  • 1 cup of almond milk

Pound the ginger to bring out the juices.

Mix all the ingredients in a small sauce pan over medium high heat.

As you pour in the warm water continuously stir the mix, as it becomes a thick paste.

This shouldn’t take very long about 2-3 minutes at most.

I usually add honey now as the honey I use is solid. So I melt it in and mix it into the paste.

However, you can also add it to taste at the very end.

Lower the heat to medium. While you stir, slowly pour in the milk of your choice. In my case that’s almond milk.

While the mix heats, be sure to stir constantly. Do not allow the mixture to boil.

You should be ready to sip your "golden" treat within 5 minutes.

I have a cup of Golden Milk before bed, but like I said earlier you can opt to have it first thing in the morning too.

You can also check out another good recipe for Golden Milk by Dr. Arjan Khalsa's :

Your turn: Do you have a Golden Milk recipe? We'd love to hear it. Share your recipe today!

Hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween when you share on your social networks!


This article is not a substitute for medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat your health condition. Always check with your doctor before altering your diet or taking supplements.


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