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Get Your Portions Back in Control

Get your portions back in control

The famous Jessica Alba video revisited my Facebook newsfeed over the weekend, and I thought it’s a good time to talk about ―portions.

When we sit down to eat, it’s the last thing we’d think about. It’s more of “oh my I’m so hungry! I can eat a…” And that’s our first problem.

By eating only when we are starving, we tend to overstuff and eat too fast without chewing. The key here is to have a consistent meal schedule and well chew.

The second, when you skip the burger for the colorful luscious salad, you think ― the perfect choice. Salads are healthy, right?

Not quite. While what you eat nutrition wise is important, how much you eat is just as important. The amount of food you choose to eat at once ― portions matter.

However, most of us are caught between overeating or under-eating. I was certainly caught in that trap.

I used to think cutting my portions meant eating less, and found myself hungry all the time. I even cut out carbs, so imagine how hungry I was.

Sometimes so much so, I would binge eat and end up overstuffing myself to tame my growling monster in my tummy. Or worst suffer migraines or be too exhausted to do anything else.

There had to be a better way. I experienced this tug of war throughout my teens and into my mid-20s.

And then I got smart. I started taking an interest in getting healthy versus getting skinny. I've learned that portion control isn't starvation. Carbs are energy boosters!

Are your portions out of whack? Here’s how to get it back on track.

Measure your food for portion control


You can rely on measuring cups, spoons or even a food scale for accuracy. Let’s start with the basics by looking at macronutrients. Every diet has 3 energy sources:

  • Protein: 4 calories per gram

  • Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram

  • Dietary Fat: 9 calories per gram

  • Gender

  • Weight

  • Fitness level

  • Fitness Goals

I like the MyPlate way of doing things, as I find it more sustainable and saves me the time of using measuring tools to manage my portions.


Everyone is different here; some people prefer physical containers to measure, I’ve heard a lot of good feedback on the 21 Day Fix approach, give it a try!


“When it comes to being healthy and fit, it’s not just about what you do in the gym. It’s really about what you do in the kitchen.” – Autumn Calabrese


I rely on the MyFittnessPal app to track monitor my diet ― nutrients as well as calorie intake which brings me to my next point.

Food Diary

This is the reason why I love the MyFittnessPal app. By listing down my food intake, I can make practical choices consciously.


“People don’t realize how many calories they are obtaining from caloric beverages and snacks, and these can be easy interventions … that can help reduce calories." Victoria Catenacci, MD, assistant professor of Medicine at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center about food diaries

Empty plate. Don't skip meals

Don't Skip Meals

I can’t emphasize this enough. Never ever skip meals. Skipping meals cause an array of issues. Never go hungry.

In fact, eat frequently. It’s about making healthier choices. Aim for healthy fats like almonds or carrot sticks in homemade guacamole as snacks. This ensures you have a steady supply of nutrients and avoid binge eating.


"People need to eat a minimum of three times a day, avoiding going longer than five hours without eating," Nadine Uplinger, American Dietetic Association and director of the Gutman Diabetes Institute at the Albert Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia.

Drink water to stay hydrated

Water Up

Tons of research argue 60% of the time thirst often masks itself as hunger. It’s challenging for the body to tell the difference between hunger and thirst.

By drinking a glass of water before 30-minutes your meal, you will not only hydrate yourself you will know if you are truly hungry.

In doing so, you will not overeat.

Remember, portion control isn’t about getting skinny or losing weight. It’s about fueling your body never to go hungry and most of all building a lifestyle.

Your turn: How do you control your portions? What’s your secret?

Hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween when you share on your social networks!


This article is not a substitute for medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat your health condition. Always check with your doctor before altering your diet or taking supplements.


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