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My 4 Step Game Plan to Hit Reset

A 4 step game plan to hit reset to a healthy lifestyle

I know I’ve been ghost for a while now. I’ve just been super busy. Injuries, work, travel and well chores!

Things were just piling up. It was just overwhelming.

Sound familiar? I had to take a step back in some things and re-prioritize.

While I kept to my diet, I had to spend time healing my back and also channel my energy wisely, so I don’t overstretch myself.

I’m sure a lot of you probably have faced the same thing at some point or another. We all wear many hats, and sometimes it all just gets too much, am I right?

For that reason, it’s now time for me to hit reset, and get back on track. I figured while I go on this reset journey, why not share the love 😊. Even better the first of the month.

Here’s my 4 step game plan to hit reset to a healthy lifestyle.

Have a routine

Have a Routine

Sounds obvious? Yet, most of us get caught up in the running around; we forget this.

I know a lot of people get the image of a strict, non-flexible, zero spontaneity when they think “routine.”

But, fact: people are creatures of habit, and routines offer a structure and direction. Routines make life smoother.

In my case, I have my wake up and my bedtime routine that’s the same every day.

  • Morning: oil-pulling, shower, brush teeth, breakfast

  • Evening: golden milk, brush/ floss, my Vaseline routine for moisturizing my hands and feet, bedtime!

Having a scheduled routine helps me get things done, yet the predictability gives me the flexibility to shift things around when needed.

Everyone’s different; I get that. I feel the organized structure allows me to embrace my day fully and helps me get my mind and body into rhythm to sleep.

Create a meal plan that works.

Create a Meal Plan

Echoing the routine, this helps you plan things out. I know there are tons of articles out there when you Google search that argue meal plans are the worst.

But I have to disagree, as I feel it really depends on how you use it.

I consider meal plans a lifestyle. It’s not about short-term goals like “losing weight.” Neither is it about being rigid.

I have a meal plan that is focused on eating at the same time every day. Naturally, that’s not always possible, but I still have room for flexibility.

I also do have a set weekly grocery list. I don’t spend my Sunday’s prepping my weekly meals.

For me, I can’t do that as I need some room to be creative. Sometimes I have cravings while other times, I have social obligations and it changes things.

Sometimes as I drive home, I crave pasta. So, what do I do?

I browse through Yummly with ingredients I know I have at home and whip something up.

My philosophy is simple, I practice planning.

Because my pantry and fridge are filled with healthy choices (kefir, apples, almonds, sunflower seeds, hummus, etc.); making healthy decisions is just easier and natural.

I believe in routines and planning. But especially when it comes to my meals, I understand that life’s about being flexible and adapting. So it’s about equipping yourself with the right weapons to handle such situations.

Take a big gulp and stay hydrated.

Take a Big Gulp

During winter month, this a tough one for me. I just don’t drink as much as I do in the colder months, and that’s not a good thing.

While your body knows when you need to replenish, sometimes we get so wrapped with things we forget to hydrate. It sounds weird I know, but trust me the power of the brain.

So yup, like the “programmed robot” I am, I have a schedule. Before I eat breakfast, I make sure I have a cup of warm lemon water. There are tons of reasons people do it, but I feel it helps my tummy mostly.

I’ve also downloaded a Drink Water Reminder app that buzzes to help remind me to hydrate throughout the day. I just help keep me in check and track my water intake.

A good rule of thumb is to divide your body weight in pounds in half.That’d equal to the total amount of water you should drink in water.

For instance, if you weigh a 130lbs (60kgs), you’ll need 65 ounces of water per day.

Remember though; this is base if you’re not sweating much and doing anything strenuous. If you are, you’ll need to add to that base.

Keep it moving!

Keep it Moving

Well, I’m sure this is another obvious one. But get moving!

Same as having a routine, it’s critical to have a holistic workout plan. The key to fully embracing the benefits exercise offers is to ensure you have — cardio, strength, and stretch covered!


"...Schedule your workout like you would schedule a meeting with your boss. It means it’s a priority to you, nothing else goes in that spot or makes you change that appointment with yourself. You don’t find time for it; you make time for it.” ~Autumn Calabrese


I need to point out this is purely a guide that I use to get myself into a routine.

Being healthy is a lifestyle. It’s not a fad or trend that you do every now and then.

Sometimes like I said, things get in the way which happens, but it’s about picking yourself and hitting reset. It's about committing to yourself and your well-being to bring your A-game.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s hit reset together!

Your turn: Do you have a reset game plan? I’d love to hear it. Hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween when you share on your social networks!


This article is not a substitute for medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat your health condition. Always check with your doctor before altering your diet or taking supplements.


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