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3 Simple Exercises I Was Doing Completely Wrong

Form matters to get the most from your workout

I’ve done it all— home workout videos that is!

I started doing my mom’s workout videos in my teens. Cindy Crawford, Denise Austin and later once I started really getting into it after college, Jillian Michaels.

While I did see some results — boosted energy and stamina; shredded inches, I just wasn’t toned.

I’d do Jillian’s 30-Day Shred and even go for a 5 km run after to up my game.

I even went to the extent of venturing into the world of Shaun T. Have you ever gone insane with Insanity MAX 30? One word to describe that workout: ROUGH. All that huffing and puffing was doing nothing for me.

I knew my nutrition wasn’t my reason as was already dialing in on that. I ate lean and clean and managed my portions.

We all hear fitness gurus preach — "Form is key to preventing injury". By working out wrongly, I was putting myself at risk. While every trainer always emphasizes form. Every video I had done, did so.

I was the problem here. I just wasn’t tuned in enough to truly get it.

Autumn Calabrese's 21Day Fix

My Aha Moment!

About a year ago, I came across Autumn Calabrese’s 21Day Fix. Somehow Autumn spoke to me. I suddenly woke up. I became more mindful of my form. I realized I had poor form. And it was time to unlearn my old habits and teach myself new ones, with Autumn’s help of course!

Slow, steady and focused on form. I completed the 21-Day Fix program. And WAR-LA I started seeing results—toned arms, flatter tummy, and the best part I was getting stronger.

When I revisited Jillian and Shaun, I finally saw results I had been craving!


“Proper form is crucial to see the results that you desire. Having good form is the best way to avoid injuries and assure that your workouts are effective... Performing fancy moves isn’t what will get you the best results, but having excellent form will. Start with basic movement patterns and focus on your form.”~ Autumn Calabrese


My 3 Big Exercise Mistakes

Before I go further quoting Shaun T in his Focus T25 — “Use your core”.

My brother explained this to me best — it’s not about tightening your abs (as I first thought.)

The key here is act like someone is punching you. You immediately tense up and get into defense mode. Now hold that pose as you execute every move. That’s using your core. In all these moves never forget to use your core.

While I’m still not perfect, here are 3 simple exercises I was doing completely wrong and how I fixed them.


This is a great move to improve your balance, core strength (yup core again!) and get a toned lower body.

Wrong form

  • Angled knee and front knee over toes

  • Leaning upper body forward or back

  • Over extending front leg

  • Back foot is flat on the ground

Basic lunge with the right posture. Keeping body neutral and straight and slowly lower back leg 90-degrees, knee barely touching the ground. Be sure to keep the knee behind the toes in the front leg

To get right form

  • Stand feet aligned with your hips and shoulder

  • Step about 2 feet

  • Keep your front knee is aligned with the ankle at a 90-degree angle

  • Back heel is off the ground, your knee is close, but not touching the ground.

  • My tip here is look straight ahead and pelvis tucked in


The ideal core strengthener. It’s a great exercise if you have the right form! My wrong form caused me a lot of back pain.

Wrong form

  • Elbows wider than shoulder

  • Butt pop — your hips raised too high

  • Lowering your hips (yes this is a problem too!)

  • Arching your back

  • Neck is craned to look forward

Right Form: Planks. Neutral back in a straight line

To get right form

  • Tight abs (yes this is the most important thing here)

  • Your shoulders should be directly above your elbows

  • Look about 5 inches in front of you no more. Your neck should be aligned with your spine

  • My tip to keep your body in a straight line: tuck your butt in

Check out this great read to get more insight on “How To Do The Perfect Plank”.


Whenever I think of squats I always think of Shaun T going—“Hop, hop SQUAT” in Focus T25 again. If done right, squats are a simple way to strengthen your legs and butt.

Wrong form

  • Feet too close to each other

  • Not going low enough

  • Knees going overs toes

  • Rounding your back

Slowly lower your hips back, slowly bending your knees to a 90 degree angle

To get right form

  • Feet just slightly wider than hip-width apart

  • Knees, hips and toes point forward

  • Act as if you’re sitting on a chair and sink your weight into your butt and your heels as you lower

  • Keep your butt above your knee level and chest lifted and your eyes forward

  • Back straight at all times

  • I find keeping my hands forward or on my thigh helps balance and keeping the right posture


"Proper form is critical... Not only will you diminish your benefits [if you don't use proper form], but you risk serious injury. Educate yourself properly before beginning any workout, whether it's yoga, pilates, Olympic weight lifting, or otherwise."~ Jillian Michaels


I'm still a long way from perfecting my form. It's a conscious to remember— quality vs. quantity. Meaning the right form gets your better results than the number of reps done the wrong way.

Your turn: Do you workout, but still don’t see the results you expect? What did you do to get back on track? Hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween when you share on your social networks!


This article is not a substitute for medical or professional physical training advice. Always check with your doctor or physician before starting a new fitness routine.


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