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A Life-Long Journey: Building Mental Toughness

A life-long journey : 3 ways you too can build mental toughness

When most of us think fitness the first thing that pops into our minds is likely a gym or some sports activity.

Although we should incorporate such physical activities into our daily lives, being healthy goes beyond physical fitness and eating right. Mental toughness is often sidelined and forgotten. I’m as guilty as the next person.

I think only a few people recognize it as a skill, what’s more, hone it.I recently became more aware of the importance of mental toughness.

My husband, a big Tom Brady fan has exposed the world of football and Brady to me.

Love or hate the man; there’s no denying he is a force to be reckoned.

At 39-years old he led his team to the game’s greatest comeback to win the SuperBowl LI. And at 40-years old it seems that nothing is slowing him down.

Tom Brady of the New England Patriots celebrates after defeating the Atlanta Falcons at Super Bowl 51. Photo credit: Kevin C.Cox / Getty Images

The What and Why

Before I go on further, I think it’s important to know what is mental toughness and why it matters.

Mental toughness is willpower. It is one of the driving forces that pushes us to attain excellence. It is the refusal to accept defeat, which sets a mentally tough person apart from the pack

Mentally tough people are positive and confident, yet willing to build themselves every day to be better.

So why should you care about it? When life’s easy, we all tend to feel strong and empowered to take on the world. But when things get rough, that’s when true mental toughness shines.

Being able to navigate obstacles takes effort and discipline. The power to push-harder even when things look bleak and consistently do so. That is mental toughness.

But how do we master it? We don’t.

It’s a life-long journey. We need to constantly and consistently sharpen our mental blades to get better at it.

While Brady is at an advanced level, if you're a beginner like me, here are 3 ways you too can build mental toughness.

Be fluid and flow through obstacles.

Be Fluid

Brady used this Bruce Lee quote before the playoffs last year as an inspirational reference. There are a million ways to interpret the quote, but to me, it’s about being fluid.


“Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water. When you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle; it becomes the bottle. When you pour it into a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can flow, and crash. Be water, my friend.”~ Bruce Lee


Nothing is impenetrable. Be like water, adapt and take charge of your situation. There’s always a solution. Focus your energy on things you actually have the power to control and flow through.

You find out your flight is delayed by 4 hours. Instead of getting worked up, you can channel your energy elsewhere. Perhaps read that book you've been putting off.

Rather than get upset about the delay, which you have no control over; channel your energy into making good use of your time.


​“The best way out is always through.” ~ Robert Frost


It takes mental strength to be flexible and adjust to outside circumstances.

Most of us get caught up in emotions. We can't help it, it's what we have always been doing. It's time to reteach yourself.

And that takes time to shift your mental energy to something you have control over. Learn to work toward solutions, and flow like water.

Take charge and weed out negativity to succeed

Skip Out Negativity and Embrace Postivity

I know we hear this over, and over, and OVER again. So much so, you'd think we would have it ingrained in us by now. Well, most of us don't.

A negative mindset is destructive. Like poison, it can seep through and leave no part of you free from it.

Sometimes things take an unexpected turn. Always remember, "there's always a silver lining."

You can choose to succumb to your situation. Or you can choose to rise above it.

Start to consciously identify negative thoughts as they creep up. It's never, "I can't do it". Try "I can do it" or "I will give it my best". Don't be your own obstacle.

Of course, this doesn't mean to go overboard. Always be balanced and realistic.

Focus on your own abilities, your skills and your present reality. Focus on things you can control and use them to your advantage.


“Above all be the heroine in your own life. Not the victim.” ~ Nora Ephron


I'd like to share a story about a friend. A friend who has channeled positivity in all its sense.

My friend was diagnosed with cancer at 30. My friend had 2 choices — let cancer take over or take charge.

My friend has chosen the latter. Instead of mulling, my friend sought adventures. From exploring new places to taking on new hobbies like hiking; my friend has chosen to rise above.

What makes my friend so inspiring is how my friend has chosen to not allow the situation to take control.

My friend has chosen to not allow cancer be an obstacle to living an enriched life.

To me, that's extremely admirable. The power to not allow anything stand in your way.

The power to choose and decide to not fall victim to your situation. That takes mental strength and is true mental toughness.

Spend time to reflect

Reflect Never Deflect

You can't control another's action. Neither can you always control your environment.

But you do; however, always have control over you. Your reaction and how you choose to move forward.

Spend time. Reflect how you can turn each obstacle life throws at you around. It's something that's a constant work in progress.

Reflection helps you understand gaps and areas you can improve on. Sometimes we slip, and reflecting helps us recognize that slip and effectively move forward.

Work from within to gain better insight on how you can enhance your mental toughness.


"...If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him... ” ~Mahatma Gandhi


If you’re interested to learn more about how Brady's mental toughness led his team to victory, check out this article on Thrive Global.

Also, check out this great SEALFIT video on mental toughness with a purpose.

Your turn: Share your story of mental toughness. How you have risen above to take control of your situation.

Hashtag #SaltPepperandEverythingBetween when you share on your social networks!


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